EPOS – issue tracker: https://epos-ci.brgm.fr/epos-public/issuetracker/-/issues
EPOS: https://intranet.epos-eu.org/user
Issues: epos-public / issuetracker, GitLab, GitLab Community Edition
EPOS – issue tracker: https://epos-ci.brgm.fr/epos-public/issuetracker/-/issues
EPOS – https://intranet.epos-eu.org/user
Issues: epos-public / issuetracker · GitLab
GitLab Community Edition
JupiterNotebook, at UIb.no et ailleurs
https://www.kartverket.no/en – observator at Svalbard
https://www.ngu.no/ – karten geologiske kommune
https://www.npolar.no/ – institut norsk
https://kartkatalog.nve.no/#kart – kart katalog
co a jak instalovat:
licence: Norsk: https://data.norge.no/nlod/en/2.0/#_7_disclaimer_of_liability
rozhrani pro prime pouziti jiz nainstalovaneho a pouziti dat z NN:
Other tools:
EPOS backend:
Swagger UI
IAGOS Redmine
Projects · Explore · GitLab
GitLab Community Edition
Main features of CERIF | euroCRIS
Common European Research Information Format (CERIF) is the comprehensive information model for the domain of scientific research. It is inten…
GitHub – epos-eu/EPOS-DCAT-AP: DCAT-AP extension for the EPOS solid Earth sciences community
DCAT-AP extension for the EPOS solid Earth sciences community – GitHub – epos-eu/EPOS-DCAT-AP: DCAT-AP extension for the EPOS solid Earth sciences community
SHAPEness Metadata Editor
EPOS intranet: https://intranet.epos-eu.org/
EPOS – monitoring services: https://data.geus.dk/eposmonitoring/
EPOS – issue tracker: https://epos-ci.brgm.fr/epos-public/issuetracker/-/issues
Issues: epos-public / issuetracker · GitLab
16.9.10:00 https://uib.zoom.us/j/66196910907?pwd=b0dzYXNLcXpvOVdUWVp1NDhqVVZ1Zz0
for any queries or questions or for ex-students: feel free to contact me at coworking@arcturian.cz
(100) 200 frází – Norština – Čeština – YouTube
suggestions: Notebook Search (envri.eu)
Scaling Machine Learning Infrastructure with Run:AI
When running JupyterHub to serve a large group of data science users, you also need to maintain a machine learning infrastructure, enabling them to run experiments in an efficient and timely manner.
Run:AI automates resource management and orchestration for machine learning infrastructure. With Run:AI, you can automatically run as many compute intensive experiments as needed.
Here are some of the capabilities you gain when using Run:AI:
- Advanced visibility—create an efficient pipeline of resource sharing by pooling GPU compute resources.
- No more bottlenecks—you can set up guaranteed quotas of GPU resources, to avoid bottlenecks and optimize billing.
- A higher level of control—Run:AI enables you to dynamically change resource allocation, ensuring each job gets the resources it needs at any given time.
Run:AI simplifies machine learning infrastructure pipelines, helping data scientists accelerate their productivity and the quality of their models.
JupyterHub: A Practical Guide (run.ai)
Using the JupyterLab Environment | ArcGIS API for Python
Using the JupyterLab Environment | ArcGIS API for Python
Jupyter Docker Stacks — Docker Stacks documentation (jupyter-docker-stacks.readthedocs.io)
How to make Jupyter Notebook to run on GPU? | TechEntice
installations online: TOP 3:
Welcome To Colaboratory – Colaboratory (google.com)
CoCalc – Online Jupyter Notebooks
allieurs: Binder (mybinder.org)
Poznámkové bloky v Microsoftu – Visual Studio
free for individuals: Kaggle: Your Machine Learning and Data Science Community
Deepnote – Data science notebook for teams
GitHub – mljar/mercury: Convert Python notebook to web app and share with non-technical users
VM: WebAssembly
personal installation: How to work with Julia on Jupyter Notebook? – GeeksforGeeks
tips for Cloud installation:
Six easy ways to run your Jupyter Notebook in the cloud (dataschool.io)
zásady komunity
swirl API and function index (rdrr.io) swirrl API